Future stock prices prediction based on the historical data using simplified linear regression

Posted on Чт 06 Октябрь 2016 in data analysis • Tagged with data, analisys, python, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, numpy, machine learning, linear regressionLeave a comment

In this post I want give a simplified explanation of what the linear regression model is and how to apply it for data predictions using python and some open python libraries (including scikit-learning).

Supervised learning is one of the major categories of Machine Learning algorithms. "Supervised" means we already have a dataset in which "correct answers" were given. For example, we have a stock data with open values and close values for a past few years, and we want to predict future values (prices or indexes). Supervised learning is subdivided into Regression problem and Classification problem. Regression problem means we're trying to predict a continuous value output (like predict stock value).

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